Advance Your Career

Getting ahead is hard work.  Here’s a few suggestions to make it easier:

Monday’s Tip: Don’t Accept Traditional Hierarchies. Figure out what path you want your career to take, and don’t just jump at opportunities to take one small step up on the organizational food-chain unless it fits in with your master plan.

Tuesday’s Tip: Have a Plan. Those who get where they want may not always know the route, but they have a very clear vision of the destination.  What are you working towards?  What are some of the interim steps to get there?

Wednesday’s Tip: Beware of Money and/or Status. Don’t ever do anything exclusively for money or status.  The buzz of money and status has a very short shelf-life, and by pursuing them to the exclusion of your other goals is a one-way street to misery.  If you pursue your other career aspirations, and a by-product of those happens to be money or status, then enjoy it, but realize the pursuit of those things as an end to itself is an empty pursuit.

Thursday’s Tip: Reach Out to Others on Your Career Journey. You will never get anywhere without help.  Ask others for feedback and assistance where appropriate.  Help others achieve their career goals.  Make a list of people you need to keep on your network, and then proactively manage those relationships.

Friday’s Tip: Work Hard. Some people actually think success will fall in their lap – it won’t.  You need to know what your goals are, and then relentlessly pursue them.  Ask any successful person, and they will tell you there are three elements of success: Luck, Being Smart & Hard Work.  They appear in different quantities for different people, but none of these things can ever be zero if you want to be successful.