Getting Started With Succession Planning

The root word of “Succession Planning” is “Success”.  Yet many organizations treat Succession Planning merely as replacement planning.  Join the Wily Manager guys this week, as they discuss the various aspects of Succession Planning, and how individual managers need to stop waiting for HR, and get started on this important business process.

Monday’s Tip:      Don’t wait for HR.   Some organizations have good Succession Planning systems in place.  However, if you don’t, then you should get started on your own, and put succession plans in place for the people that report to you.

Tuesday’s Tip:      Figure out what competencies are required to successfully meet the strategy, goals and objectives of your work group or department.  Articulate these in writing so everyone understands.

Wednesday’s Tip:      Develop those competencies.  Put development plans in place for people to build the specific competencies the organization needs to achieve its plans.

Thursday’s Tip:      Put together a replacement plan.  For each position in the organization, put together a list of people that could act as a replacement if that position were to become vacant.  Again, the competencies required should guide this process.

Friday’s Tip:      Promote and reward people based on their proficiency and the development in the required competencies.