How to Build a Business Case

It’s amazing how just a little bit of process can make a huge difference in making better decisions and pushing an organization along.  Join the Wily Manager guys this week as they discuss building a business case in just a few easy steps.

Monday’s Tip: Articulate the benefits clearly. Before you get bogged down in the details, make sure you can clearly and concisely articulate the benefits.  Write your “elevator speech”.

Tuesday’s Tip: Describe the current situation to highlight the gap. Why are you advocating any change?  Illustrate for people the desired future state or performance versus where you are now.

Wednesday’s Tip: Define your criteria for success. How will you know when you are successful?  By what measures will you assess the success of your plan?  Determine in advance how you will measure your progress and success.

Thursday’s Tip: Reach out to those whose support you need. Don’t surprise anyone with what you might need from them to advance your cause.  Negotiate support and involvement in advance, when writing your business case.

Friday’s Tip: Sell it. It is a common mistake to think that all good ideas are self-evident.  This is how many great ideas die.  There is always a “sales and marketing” component to getting people to do anything differently than they currently do.