There are no silver bullets in any discipline, but organizations that actively improve the quality of their leadership have better sales and production, more consistent safety, higher quality, and better results. Many organizations make investments in leadership development without accruing these benefits, and some managers find themselves in organizations that don’t value these things at all. Find out what you can do to improve the quality of leadership for you and your organization this week at Wily Manager.
Monday’s Tip: Leadership is a Habit. Habits are the product of repeated behaviours. Figure out what behaviours are most critical for effective leadership in your situation.
Tuesday’s Tip: Focus on small changes. You don’t eat an elephant in one bite, and to create great leadership habits, you need to focus on one small thing at a time. Over time, these small changes add up to monumental shifts in leadership practice.
Wednesday’s Tip: Get a Coach. Sometimes your organization will provide one for you, other times you need to choose a trusted friend or colleague. Either way, you need someone to help you with the discipline of forming great leadership habits.
Thursday’s Tip: Focus on Leadership AND Management. People who suggest that management is not as important as leadership, have never been in a leadership position. You need to do both these things well – work on improving both.
Friday’s Tip: Have a Leadership Development Plan. Improved Leadership will not happen by itself, or if you try to manage it off the side of your desk. You need a deliberate, action-oriented plan to improve your ability as a leader.