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What is the Performance Pie?
The Performance Pie is a diagnostic tool that can help you analyze why a performance problem may exist. It does not offer specific solutions to performance problems but it does help you zero in on some of the more common reasons as to why performance may be suffering on a particular task, duty or responsibility. Then you can target your solutions in the areas most likely to impact performance.
How Does it Work?
The performance analysis design primarily emphasized the individual, the job or process, the work environment and incentives or consequences. In other words, the design of the Performance Pie focuses on the following seven factors of performance:
- Knowledge and Skill
- Capacity
- Standards
- Measurement
- Feedback
- Conditions
- Incentives
The Seven Factors of Performance
1. Knowledge and Skill
This means that the individuals performing the task must have the knowledge and skills necessary
2. Capacity
The right persons are to be selected for the right jobs and tasks. This means, for example, that the individuals are capable—physically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally.
3. Standards
Individuals must be clearly informed about what is expected of them. Supervisors, job descriptions, and performance appraisal objectives should clearly dictate the standards of performance, and these standards ought to be congruent with the expectations of the, supervisors, department and organization.
4. Measurement
Measurement clarifies standards, initiates goal orientation, provides data or information with which to give feedback and signals opportunities for rewards and recognition. What gets measured gets done is not only a cliché but a truism as well.
5. Feedback
Individuals need to know how well they are doing in accordance with the standards and measures and how they can improve their performance. They must receive regular feedback on their performance from supervisors.
6. Conditions
Individuals need the resources necessary to perform their jobs according to expectation, standard, and measure. They require the right facilities, equipment, tools, materials, supplies, time, and organizational climate—unhindered by conflicting goals or obstacles in work procedures—to perform effectively and efficiently.
7. Incentives/Consequences
Individuals do the things they are rewarded for doing and avoid negative consequences. Also, they must value the rewards and incentives.
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