So… how many politically correct pinheads does it take to screw-in a light bulb? ANSWER: None… because they are forever in the dark.
As it turns out, there was a (hopefully futile) movement in the UK to stop using the term, “brainstorming”, because some PCP (politically correct pinhead) decided that this was disrespectful to those with mental illness.
This PCP was apparently in a good position to winge about such things, because very clearly, s/he suffered from some form of mental illness. I’m not really sure what is more ridiculous to me: this PCP’s delusional version of reality; or the fact this complaint got enough traction that it actually made the news.
Perhaps people paid attention to this for the same reason they slow down to see a car accident. The most frustrating thing about this silliness is that it diverts attention away from the serious implications of mental illness.
So next time you suggest a brainstorm to generate ideas, and some PCP tells you the term is inappropriate, respond with the following:
a) First comment on their appearance – no one looks perfect, so find something really obvious to critique them on.
b) If they happen to be from a visible ethnic group, don’t be afraid to bring that up either. This is unlikely, as most PCPs tend to be white folks with Anglo-Saxon last names who ease their guilt by advocating for others who would rather they kept their mouths shut.
c) Question their parentage – that should set them off.
d) Ask them how much they’d charge to haunt a house.
e) Be relentless.
After your coworkers have pulled the (kicking and screaming) PCP off you, remind them that violence in the workplace is a serious issue; equating brainstorming with mental illness is not.
Now, I’m headed outside to board up Wily Manager headquarters in anticipation of the forthcoming firebomb.