Setting Clear Expectations

This week the Wily Manager guys talk about how to effectively set expectations.  Join the discussion.

Monday’s Tip:         Be Specific.  You need to be as clear as possible when setting expectations.  Statements that say “be courteous” or “be organized” are merely sentiments that do nothing to ensure that your expectations will be met.

Tuesday’s Tip:          Test for Understanding.  Leaders need to ask clarifying and confirming questions to ensure their wishes are understood.  Many people will nod their heads and say they understand, when perhaps more clarification is needed.

Wednesday’s Tip:         Reinforce and Revisit.  You will need to tell people your expectations more than once, and you’ll need to find other ways to reinforce and reward those expectations when they are met, and also respond appropriately when they are not met.

Thursday’s Tip:         Put Away the Laundry List.  If you put hundreds of things on your list of expectations of your people, you will end up disappointed.  Select a manageable number of key expectations that you would like your people to deliver.

Friday’s Tip:         Act Consistently.  As a leader, if you say one thing, and do another you are sunk.  You need to act consistently with the expectations you set of others.  If there is any sign of inconsistency or hypocrisy, you’ll end up disappointed.