Strategy Mapping Tips

Does strategy matter to the individual manager, or is it only a consideration for the senior levels of the organization?  This week we discuss how to translate strategic drivers into more operational activities using Strategy Maps.

Monday’s Tip: Keep it simple. Strategy Mapping is brilliant in its simplicity.  Don’t negate this advantage by taking a simple idea and making it complex.

Tuesday’s Tip: Include your people in the development of a strategy map. Part of the purpose of a Strategy Map is connect people’s activities to higher level business drivers.  It much easier to make this connection if you include people in the development of the strategy map.

Wednesday’s Tip: Be clear on the larger organizational goals. If you are unclear on the higher level business drivers, then your strategy map will be confused and useless.

Thursday’s Tip: Change the categories to meet your needs. Kaplan and Norton have suggested four categories as a starting point.  You should adjust them as your situation warrants.

Friday’s Tip: Put Your Strategy Map Front & Center. Represent your strategy map visually, and put it where people can see it.  It is important to constantly reinforce how their efforts connect to the larger picture.