Many smart managers have found out the hard way that great ideas don’t sell themselves. As much as perhaps your genius should be self-evident, you would be well advised to build a strategy for getting your ideas accepted. Join us this week, as we discuss effective ways to be more persuasive and sell your ideas.
Monday’s Tip: Build Street-Cred. You should be constantly looking for ways to be credible with your stakeholders. When it comes time to sell those same stakeholders on an idea, you will be at a significant advantage if you already have lots of credibility.
Tuesday’s Tip: Make a Plan. You don’t need to write pages and pages of notes, but don’t wing it either. To whom do you need to speak? What do they want to hear? How do they communicate? Who are potential champions? Who are the resistors?
Wednesday’s Tip: Target/Segment Your Audience. Know who will be driven by facts, and who will more driven by relationships. Figure out how to appeal to specific people, and tailor your message accordingly. The same story can be told a variety of ways – make sure you choose the more appropriate to your target audience.
Thursday’s Tip: Anticipate Objections and/or Push-back. Don’t become defensive, but rather come prepared to deal with those who may resist your ideas.
Friday’s Tip: It’s About Them, Stupid. You need to frame your argument in terms where the other party is clear about what is in it for them. If you talk exclusively about how this will be so much better for you, then you probably won’t win them over.