We invite you to join the Wily Manager guys this week as they talk about how we can all better use email. It’s not going to go away, but there may be ways to use it more effectively.
Monday’s Tip: Limit the amount of time on email daily. Email is a time killer. Set the clock for the maximum amount of time you will spend on email, and deal with things in descending order of priority until you run out of time.
Tuesday’s Tip: Don’t use “Reply to All”. There are very few circumstances when this button should be used. Spare others the pain of bulk communication, and reply to individuals separately if need be.
Wednesday’s Tip: Deliver cc emails to another folder. If it’s not important enough to be addressed to you, it probably doesn’t warrant your immediate attention. Adjust your Inbox settings to deliver cc emails to a different folder.
Thursday’s Tip: Don’t communicate difficult issues via email. Email is not the place for emotive issues. Use email to move around information, but anything remotely emotional requires an in-person meeting, or at least a phone call.
Friday’s Tip: Turn off your email chime. Without the chime constantly dinging, you can be more disciplined about only viewing your email a couple of time a day, and minimize the risk of email running your life.